
Benefits of Awake Plastic Surgery Procedures

Cosmetic procedures have gained immense popularity as they can significantly enhance self-confidence and physical appearance. While general anesthesia is commonly used for many cosmetic surgeries, there has been a growing trend in recent years towards procedures performed under l...

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Arm Lift vs. Arm Liposuction

Having flabby arms can be a source of insecurity for many patients, especially those who have made significant efforts to lose weight. When conventional weight loss methods fall short of the goal, these individuals often feel frustrated and don't know how to address the iss...

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How Much fat can be Removed During Liposuction?

By eliminating stubborn fat pockets that are unaffected by diet and exercise, liposuction surgery can achieve more definition in the body. Patients who are considering undergoing liposuction frequently inquire about how much fat can be removed during the procedure. Although there...

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Dr. Markelov in the operating room

How to Choose a Plastic Surgeon for Awake Liposuction

If you're dealing with stubborn excess fat that you can’t seem to eliminate with dieting and exercise, awake liposuction may be an effective choice. Awake liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical procedure in which your excess fat is removed without the use of gen...

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